Grab a cuppa and a comfy seat, and let’s chat a while! It’s time for Coffee and Conversation!
When I was six, my family was driving on a highway late at night. Streaks of headlights and taillights painted the dark. For the first time, I realized that each car held people living lives as important to them as mine was to me.
I wanted to know what those lives were, and to share my own..
Remember back in August, when I shared my idea of 33 Round Tuits? I meant to post monthly updates, but life….
With the philosophy of better very late than never, I’m finally getting a round tuit! So, without further ado, here are the 33, neatly categorized and itemized.
Of my 33 Tuits:
2 are complete.
19 are in progress.
12 are still waiting for me to “get a round tuit”.
I “got a round tuit”:
Delete files from old computer (Sweet L’il Lenovo), reset to factory default, and give to Declan, a young friend looking for an XP machine for gaming.
I completed this in August.
Write a blogpost about my long-lost friend, Barbara Leonard, whom I would LOVE to reconnect with.
Completed in October.
One of my old photos – Lone Star Geyser with raiinbow (geyserbow?), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1999-2000ish.
I’m “getting round tuit”:
Scan all old photos, organize files, and begin sharing them digitally.
I’ve begun by scanning a few pictures for use in blog posts. I plan to intensify this effort in the winter months.
Reread and organize all my old story notebooks.
I’ve organized the notebooks; another project I plan for the winter (upstate New York winters give many opportunities for this type of activity!)
Read all nine books currently in my bedroom To Be Read stack.
Currently reading: 3/9.
Complete all the items in my Play Jar.
I’ve completed two or three of these; slow and erratic, as whims take me. You know, playfully! =D
Finish resetting the family room, playroom, and kitchen.
The family room and kitchen are both underway. The (former) playroom was, as well, but it’s also the front porch, and my Accomplice bought a new door he didn’t have the chance to install before the cold weather came, and now it may wait till spring to be addressed.
Rehome wandering game pieces.
Accumulating into a central area, as a first step.
Contact Kristen Lamb and collect my WANACon Social Media Prize.
I made contact, and we’ve chatted once or twice, but then – life, and the need to ponder my goals and next steps. Another this-winter project.
Update my bio and my blog sidebar – it’s outdated and jumbled.
I’ve looked at it, and started to consider changes that will transfer to a website.
Finish organizing my study.
Forward progress made; a long way left to go. I intend to take my time and enjoy the ongonig process of creating a nurturing space of my own.
Buy a wheeled storage footstool.
I’ve selected one I really like; now to budget for it…by spring, I hope.
Buy a set of Corelle dishes.
I’ve looked briefly online and in stores; no decision yet.
Read all old writing practice notebooks and mine for usable materials.
I’ve organized the notebooks for winter reading.
Begin submitting Trek fan fiction to a fan fiction site (this will require a bit of experimentation to find the right “home”.
I’ve been reading at different sites; choosing one or more will be an early 2015 goal.
Complete rough drafts of all novels in the Trueborn series (I think there are between 3-5 waiting to be developed and drafted.
NaNo 2014 WIP, The Earth Doth Move: Scene 51/60.
July 2013 CampNaNo WIP, Perchance to Dream: Scene 51/60.
More planning and drafting planned for 2015.
Complete the first revision pass of Chameleon’s Dish.
12/60 scenes completed.
Once all scenes have been revised; I will complete a full-draft pass.
Reclaim the flower beds, and begin growing cutting flowers, herbs and vegetables.
The beds were reclaimed, mostly weeded, and put to sleep for the winter.
Complete revisions of 3 short stories: “Morning Coffee”, “A Splash of Red”, and “Peach Liqueur Love”; submit to L.S. Engler‘s World Unknown Review.
I’ve submitted one; and had it accepted! WAHOO!
The other two stories are scheduled for early 2015 revisions.
Write 31 new poems for OctPoWriMo; revise the ones written in 2012.
The new poems are written; nothing revised as yet.
Return embarrassingly overdue library books.
I’ve gathered what I think are all the books; next up – actually remembering to take them back.
I haven’t “gotten a round tuit” yet:
Watch all of Star Trek in chronological order.
Blog about it.
Go get a professional massage.
Buy an Irish cloak.
Buy a new pair of workout sneakers.
Learn how to thread my sewing machine.
Buy wireless television headphones.
Create a visual timeline for my Trueborn series.
Create rough outlines for the Kifo Island Chronicles novella series.
Go as a family to the Museum of the Adirondacks W!ld Center.
Go to The Cloisters, perhaps all by myself.
Contact the high school teacher who changed my life.
It’s amazing how much we can accomplish, when we make it a priority…just writing things out, and posting them, has helped me to keep them as a greater focus in my life. I’m enjoying this adventure of “getting a round tuit” more than I thought I might…
How about you? Are there things you’ve been meaning to do, “when you get a round tuit”, too? Join in the conversation, and I’ll get you a fresh beverage while I listen!