A weekly peek backwards and a look ahead, from my little corner of the blogosphere…are you ready?
Ever have one of those weeks where things seem – muddled? Not bad, not good – but something else? A time where you feel as though you could get lost in your own deeper places? When you look around, from time to time, startled that something or someone has pulled you back up to the surface?
Yup, that’s me, for most of this week.
It’s partly a reaction to the big events of last week…growth is sometimes exhausting, and often takes more out of us than we realize. When the growth is of the subterranean sort, we need time and space and quiet to understand those deep wordless places within…
Yet, I live with other people. In a house. With pets. And a yard. Laundry, and dishes. Emotions, desires, goals, problems…
So, I go deep, get pulled up, sink down, surface, again and again…
Last Week’s Edition: Big Stuff
- Click the link for my recent posting history!
Last week’s features:
ROW80: The Writing Challenge That Knows You Have A Life.
- Naked Growth: I share the Big Thing I did, and some Smaller Things, too.
- Deepening Roots: The Big Thing brings new depth; time with a treasured friend roots me more strongly in my life.
Eight Sentence Sunday:
- At the Drop of Her Pheremones: Trip Tucker’s Vulcan wife wants to go canoeing – and even though she should, she won’t take no for an answer.
- Spinning: In the wake of an inexplicable global tragedy with personal implications, Trip’s left spinning out of emotional control.
- Out of Hiding: After my Big Thing revelation, I explore the consequences of baring it all about – well, baring it all!
SoCS (Stream of Consciousness Saturday):
- A Watched Kettle Boils Anyway: Trip finds T’Pol staring helplessly at a screaming teakettle, and fixes her some tea and sympathy.
Story a Day May:
- The Captain’s Mess: Captain Archer can’t use his own dining room – and that’s not the worst of his problems.
- “Dinner With the Boss Tonight”: Trip and T’Pol get ready for dinner – or something completely different…
- Pillow Talk?: In this sequel to Sticking Point, comfort and conversation cover uncharted territory.
- “My Flame, My Nectar”:T’Pol’s take on the events in Sticking Point.
- Captain’s Table; T’Pol’s Room: It may the Captain’s Mess, but the Vulcan is definitely in command, tonight!
- Something Completely Different (story pending and untitled, as yet)….
- I Love T’Pol: Very short Twitter fiction. Trip wants what he can’t have.
Variety’s Spice (something extra!):
- Why Do We (To) Do It? The trials and tribulations of to-do lists, and an alternative.
What’s Next:
May Focuses:
- Complete the Story A Day May Challenge.
- Complete revisions and submit “Slow Jazz Awakening”
- Resume revisions on “Peach Liqueur Love”
- Plot Sea Changes: Kifo Island Chronicles #3.
- Update blog sidebar.
This week, on the blog:
- For WIPpet Wednesday: New stuff for April – July. I’ll be sharing whatever I’m writing, when I get to Wednesday. This week….another snippet from The IDIC Romance.
- For Mindful Monday: A new feature! This week, we explore the #onegoodcup project.
- For Coffee and Conversation: This week – I return to my 33 Round Tuits list.
- Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS):A post based on the weekly prompt, TBA Friday. Most likely Star Trek: Enterprise fan fiction, this month, because Trip and T’Pol!
- Eight Sentence Sunday: Eight sentences from the same story as my WIPpet Wednesday post, but probably a little further on…
- ROW80 Updates: My progress on my current and/or long term goals for A Round of Words in 80 Days, posted on or near Sunday and Wednesday.
In the Wilds of Internet-Land:
- Now this is a real educator!
- What self-promotion really is…good for us artsy types!
- Because….lilacs, of course!
- Inexpensive warm-weather fun for littler kids…
And that’s my week, in a nutshell (or a blogpost!). How about you? Dig you sink in any new roots this week? Challenge yourself? Finish a project that’s been nagging you? Start something new? Just relax? Yes, I’m a little nosy. Writer thing. So, if you want to satisfy my perhaps inappropriate curiosity, drop me a line or a few in the box below!