A weekly peek backwards and a look ahead, from my little corner of the blogosphere…are you ready?
It’s been an interesting week,for me, in ways that might seem commonplace, on the surface, but which are filled with depth and breadth and possibilities.
Maybe I should try to explain?
Last week, my daughter, who is almost eleven, was having a Very Hard Time with this whole Growing Up Thing. Hormones were surging in whole new ways she’s not yet used to, and she grew significantly, and everything seemed Not Right. At All!
But, after the storms, come the rainbows, or at least a time of quiet…
It’s still not easy for her, this Growing Up Thing. But, while helping her learn to navigate her emotional rapids, seeds of connection and deeper bonding have taken root. We’ve been going for walks, and chatting, late at night when we two are the only ones awake. The content of our conversations is perhaps less important than the fact of them, even though we’ve covered a lot of ground in them.
More on that in future posts…the point is, it’s been a week of sowing seeds, strengthening roots, new possibilities….
Life Stuff:
Last Week’s Edition: Digging Deep Big Thing and Small Things lead to deepening roots – and interruptions.
- Click the link for my recent posting history!
Last week’s features:
ROW80: The Writing Challenge That Knows You Have A Life.
- Growing Pains: Deep growth is seldom painless or without stresses…and still I write.
- Quiet Growth: After the intensity of growth, comes the quiet time…
- “What Kind of Home…?” In the aftermath of global tragedy with personal implications, Trip struggles to find reason – or even a place to belong.
- The #onegoodcup Project: I undertake a new ‘non’-activity; a cup of coffee without technological distractions, and with presence.
- Broken As I Once Was: T’Pol wants to offer Trip needed help and comfort – but will he let her?
- Have I Gotten A Round Tuit Yet? I revisit and update my 33 Round Tuits list!
SoCS (Stream of Consciousness Saturday):
- Almost Too Much: A little ring, a major digestive issue, and small gestures lead to jealous conclusions…
- Something Completely Different…(as yet untitled and incomplete story for May 22)….coming along slowly, but coming along!
- Letters Unsent: In the wake of a huge shift in their relationship, Trip and T’Pol are at the center of a communications breakdown.
- “She’s A Natural”: Trip watches T’Pol with their daughter, and reflects upon her maternal instincts.
- Born of Us Both: A private interlude for a new family…shhh, they’re nesting…
- “A Sweet Wild Dream”: Sometimes, dwelling in illusion trumps an impossible reality.
- Interspecies Medical Exchange: Doctor Phlox observes and contemplates interspecies interaction in his Sickbay.
- Not Jealousy: Confronted with too much evidence of a relationship he doesn’t want to accept, Captain Archer chooses denial…
- Artistry in the Aftermath: In the wake of tragedy, Trip learns that T’Pol has a previously-undiscovered artistic side.
What’s Next:
May Focuses:
- Complete the Story A Day May Challenge.
June Focuses:
- Complete all homeschool paperwork/testing.
- Complete JuNoWriMo.
- Complete drafting Generations: Kifo Island Chronicles #2.
- Plot Sea Changes: Kifo Island Chronicles #3.
- Plot next Trueborn Weft Series novel for July CampNaNoWriMo.
- Update blog sidebar.
- Complete revisions and submit “Slow Jazz Awakening”
- Resume revisions on “Peach Liqueur Love”
This week, on the blog:
- For WIPpet Wednesday: New stuff for April – July. I’ll be sharing whatever I’m writing, when I get to Wednesday. This week….one last snippet from The IDIC Romance.…because I can’t resist!
- For Mindful Monday: A new feature! This week, we explore parenting with intention .
- For Coffee and Conversation: This week – I take a look around me….
- Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS):A post based on the weekly prompt, TBA Friday. Most likely something non-fictional, because there’s been a LOT of fiction, these last two months…
- #8sunday: Ten final sentences from my WIPpet Wednesday story, “Pillow Talk?” a little further on…
- ROW80 Updates: My progress on my current and/or long term goals for A Round of Words in 80 Days, posted on or near Sunday and Wednesday. This week, I transition from May to June goals, and update my Round Two progress.
In the Wilds of Internet-Land:
- Because who doesn’t need Chicks in Hats?! Don’t be fooled by imitators; these are Julie Persons originals!
- Pets and Their Loveys, Then and Now! Because….AWWW!
- Damaging Thoughts Teenagers Don’t Need You to Think :Teens are people – it’s OK to see them that way, and celebrate their strengths!
And that’s my week, in a blogpost. How about yours? Was it full of sunshine, shadows, or a lovely blend? Did you plant any seeds, or spot any sprouts?
Yes, I’m a little nosy. Writer thing. So, if you want to satisfy my perhaps inappropriate curiosity, drop me a line or a few in the box below!