When I was six, my family was driving on a highway late at night. Streaks of headlights and taillights painted the dark. For the first time, I realized that each car held people living lives as important to them as mine was to me. I wanted to know what those lives were, and to share my own.
Today we return to First Friday Photo, Eden Mabee’s nifty once-a-month blog hop that encourages us to share an image (or more than one), on the first Friday of each month.
Partially inspired by Eden’s inaugural post, which featured hoopers, I went waaay back into my Flickr photostream, and found some pictures from 3 springs back, when the kids had an impromptu hooping session.
It was early spring, and they were having so much fun, playing on the barely-greening lawn, that I grabbed my camera and took some auto-focus shots. I edited them using a variety of effects – I’m not sure if I was using Picnik or PicMonkey back then…but it was one or the other! =)
It’s worth noting that these images were captured on a weekday, when the kids might have been in a classroom, sealed away from this beautiful weather and the physical activity and exploration it engendered. Since every second of homeschooling and having kids with me nearly every waking moment… it’s always a treat to look back on these could’ve-been-in-school-but-weren’t kind of magical experiences…
Sometimes magical experiences are just the simplest of moments, the tiny little drops of joy scattered through the day…like hoops on a day when spring is finally in the air, and two children free to explore as they will…
How about you? What magical moments happen in the course of your days? Are you good at noticing them, or a bit out of practice as you go about your days? Can you find it again?
Why not take a look at your photos, or your life, and share a thought and an image? Click the little linky guy and add yours today!