A weekly peek backwards and a look ahead, from my little corner of the blogosphere…are you ready?
It’s been rather a big week, for me, in small and deep ways…
I know. That’s not very descriptive, is it? Best I can do, though, so there it is. Small, and deep. Like a trickle of lava, or water running beneath the desert…vital and powerful, but as yet unseen…
I get this way, when some epiphany, or a multitude of them, is about to break over me. It’s especially potent when the children and I are on disynchopated schedules…right now, I’m going to bed at 5am or so, and they’re staying up past noon. I don’t need as much sleep as either of these swiftly growing young people, so I’ve had a few hours each afternoon and evening to lose myself in my own projects, my own interior life…
Something’s brewing…and that’s all I can say about that.
Life Stuff:
Last Week’s Edition: Sorta Spring
- Click the link for my recent posting history!
Last Week’s Features:
ROW80: The Writing Challenge That Knows You Have A Life.
- Shoots and Sprouts: I plant many seeds, but what comes up is not always just what I expected.
- Fresh Seedlings: Growth, mostly still beneath the surface, but starting to poke up new life and new ideas…in writing and in life.
#8Sunday: A Weekend Writing Warriors Blog Hop.
- “You Were Awake?!” Trip confronts a rather shocking reality, and an extremely matter-of-fact Vulcan bearing medicines.
Mindful Monday: A journey of self discovery….
- A Wildly Swinging Parenting Pendulum: Parenting With Intention Part 2: I describe the disequilibrium of my paradigm shift to peaceful parenting and radical unschooling. It wasn’t pretty, and it might not have been necessary…
WIPpet Wednesday: A date-related snippet to tempt and delight…
- Tea on the Patio: Howard comes home late, from a secret location, and finds his grandmother and stepdaughter enjoying tea al fresco…why does this bother him?
Coffee and Conversation: I share from my life, in the hopes that you’ll share yours, too!
- Mission Accomplished! #StaD Wrap-Up post: I reflect on the Story A Day Challenge: Why I do it, what I learn, how I write, and why fan fiction. And I invite everyone to StoryFest 2015.
SoCS (Stream of Consciousness Saturday): A weekly prompt begins the stream-of-consciousness exploration!
- “Zip, Zap, Whoosh, ZOOM!”: While working on the engines, Trip and T’Pol also work out the differences in their languages…today, it’s onomatopoeia – a particularly human invention.
Story a Day May: My StoryFest 2015 entry:
- Letters Unsent: After a huge shift in their relationship, a series of letters, recorded but never received, chart the course Trip and T’Pol take toward a different kind of connection.
And something new: Ready. Set. Write! (updates on Mondays, from 6/15 on)!
- Something Different: A summer intensive provides a weekly goal-setting opportunity, and I’m diving in!
What’s Next:
June Focuses:
- Complete all homeschool paperwork/testing.
- Complete JuNoWriMo.http://junowrimo.com/
- Complete drafting Generations: Kifo Island Chronicles #2.
- Plot Sea Changes: Kifo Island Chronicles #3.
- Plot next Trueborn Weft Series novel for July CampNaNoWriMo.
- Update blog sidebar.
- Complete revisions and submit “Slow Jazz Awakening”
- Resume revisions on “Peach Liqueur Love”.
This Week, On The Blog:
- ROW80 Updates: My progress on current and/or long term goals for A Round of Words in 80 Days, posted on or near Sunday and Wednesday.
- #8sunday: Ten new sentences from my Kifo Island Chronicles novel, Generations, just a bit further on from last Wednesday’s post…
- Next week’s Second Serving!
- Ready. Set. Write!: My Week One Update!
- Mindful Monday: We explore Parenting with Intention, Part 3: We Could Get Here From There!
- WIPpet Wednesday: New stuff for April – July. I’ll be sharing whatever I’m writing, when I get to planning Wednesday’s posts. This week….a snippet from Generations, the darkest novel I’ve written to date, in Gladys’ POV.
- Coffee and Conversation: When we don’t like our characters…and we’re pretty sure they don’t like us much, either.
- Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS):A post based on the weekly prompt, TBA Friday. Might be fictional, or non, depending on how and where the stream flows…
In the Wilds of Writer-Centric Internet-Land:
- Surfing, Crawling, or Riding the Cosmos: A Stream of Consciousness masterpiece on ‘information’ from Pav.
- You Might Be a Writer If…: The always-funny Kristen Lamb deals with hard times as only she can!
- Short – Once Loved: Rahne Ehtar offers this poignantly lovely, bittersweet exploration in a graveyard. A deeply delicious read!